Name: Anouk
Born on: 27th June, 2005
Height: 51cm
Weight: 18 kg
Hip-score: B2/B2
Ellbow: free/free
See here for pictures of Anouk`s development.
Anouk is my long-sought for dog and it couldn´t have hit us better. He is a dream, handsome and clever. Sometimes he can be stubborn, but we mostly get along just fine. In the past 7 years we learned to accept each other.
He is a dog that is highly outwards oriented and this didn´t make his training easy. As long as distractions are a minimum, he is fine and works eager, but as soon as the distractions get bigger, he likes to drop out. A lot of our training is focus and distraction training.
Anouk is eager to learn and can loudly emphasize this when he was to watch others. When he turned 15 months old we mastered the Companion Dog Test and joined out dog schools Obedience team. A couple of months later we passed our first Obedience test and managed to get the qualifikation to start in Class 2 in our first year.
Obedience ist the right sport for us. Precise and correct work our Anouk´s strength. His deficit is speed, but he is able to show speed if its worth it. For a ball, a tug game or food, he will do almost everything.
Anouk is a pleasant partner on a daily basis. He differs between timeout and action. In the house he reloads his batteries, so he can power out outsides.
He just doesn`t like to be let alone when we are on dog school grounds, he thinks he could miss out on a training and wants to stay by my side at all times.